Saturday, September 15, 2001

Tradução do textão

Para quem não lê Inglês, e como minha conexão tá uma meleca, eu traduzi o meu posting anterior (On Freedom, Patriotism and Democracy) para o Português. Aguardo comentários. E viva a Democracia do Blog!

Back to 26400 bps

I haven't had a DSL connection since Tuesday night, and I have to use my old dial-up 56K modem in order to get online. To make things worse, the fastest connection I got was 26400, and most of the times it's even slower than that. Not to mention I have to dial 5, 6 times to get a connection. I think I will take a break from my computer this weekend. Who am I kidding?

A minha conexão foi pro espaço, minha tão querida DSL não funciona mais. Tive que voltar a usar meu velho modem de 56k, mas o mais rápido que consigo entrar na net até agora foi 26400 bps. Na maioria das vezes até mais devagar, quase parando. Tenho que tentar 5, 6 vezes pra conseguir linha. Acho que vou tirar férias do computador neste fim de semana. Até parece.

Friday, September 14, 2001

On Freedom, Patriotism and Democracy

"I believe that what self-centered men have torn down, men other-centered can build up. I still believe that one day mankind will bow before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed and non-violent redemptive goodwill proclaimed the rule of the land. And the Lion and the Lamb shall lie down together, and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree, and none shall be afraid. I believe that we shall overcome."

-- Martin Luther King, 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Speech

My friend Alverson, who lives in Boston, shared his opinion on why he is not supporting the US Color Day today (see his comment on the previous posting). I reflected on his opinion all night long, and I have decided that today I am wearing blue jeans, a white shirt and American colors ribbons. Even though I agree with most of Alverson's thoughts, and I'm angry to think that this tragedy probably wouldn't have happened if the Republican Party (a.k.a. "Bush") had stayed away from the White House (the presidential election was a joke, but that's another story), I can't think that the American people can be blamed for this tragedy. I have seen way too many Brazilian comments (on the web, blogs and newspapers), and all of them seem to hold the U.S. indirectly responsible for this tragedy due to their international politics.

However, when a tragedy of this atrociousness strikes, there's a natural call for the people to get together, as a nation, with a rigid political statement. I say an e-mail asking everybody to wear the American Colors is a healthy idea that will help many people cope with their grief at this moment. It's also a peaceful way to show we're proud of being a people, no matter the race or religion -- and much better than attacking your neighbor just because he looks like a terrorist, like some news sources are reporting. Mayor Giuliani has asked people not to take this out on the immigrants who live in New York, but unfortunately some people are so angry that they react the wrong way, attacking innocent people just because they wear a turban. Those are isolated incidents and do not represent the majority of the population. Idiots exist everywhere in the world.

I am an immigrant living in the United States since 1994. I am not yet a citizen of the United States, but I can’t wait to become one. I was born Brazilian, but I chose the U.S. as the country I want to live in. I love Brazil as a culture and geographic paradise and I love all my friends and relatives that still live in Brazil, but I don't plan to go back there for good. Here in New York I know many people from many different countries of the world who have chosen to move here, not because of a better economy, but because here you can be who you are and believe in what you believe without the fear of persecution by people of your own nationality. And that is guaranteed by the American government, not by your American neighbor. I’m assuming that if the person who attacked the Arabic immigrants gets arrested, he or she will be going to jail for doing so. That’s the kind of safety that we have here in America.

I heard Ana Maria Braga saying on Brazilian TV, in her I-Want-To-Be-Martha-Stewart show, "Thank God we're Brazilians and we're here, not there". The show's agenda had been put aside due to the tragedy in the U.S., but instead of a real journalist they allowed Braga to cover it from her kitchen. I would like to ask Braga, “Did you forget about the horror story on the kidnapping of Silvio Santos’ daughter just a few days ago in São Paulo? Do you have a clue of how many people get killed everyday in Rio de Janeiro because of violence and poverty, which is a consequence of a corrupt Brazilian government?”

Braga is better off when she teaches people how to cook parrot with oranges, but her statement brought back lots of bad memories for me. So I started ruminating on the current situation in Brazil. When will the Brazilian politicians realize that they must stop embezzling the people's money and start giving it back to their own people, in the form of good schools and good salaries to the adults, so their children can attend those schools and eventually grow out of poverty and therefore, help reduce violence?

I was scared every day of my life when I lived in Rio. Every day I had to watch who was around me, I had to think twice before talking to a stranger, I was robbed and assaulted so many times, not to mention all the discrimination I suffered for being gay. I had three different bus routes, so I could alternate them in order to try to reduce my chances of being robbed. Day and night, I was living like a rabbit, constantly looking around to see if a bird of prey was up to attack me. I shared an apartment with 3 roommates and we were constantly stressed because of the bullets ricocheting outside the building, almost every night. Our living room window had a big perforation in it. This was more than seven years ago and still hasn’t changed. Many will call me a coward for moving out of the country for the above reasons. I don’t care, I feel safe here. I don’t make the political type, the martyr willing to die for a cause. Not me, sorry. All I can do is pray: “God Bless Brazil”.

In the other hand, I feel very safe in the U.S. -- actually, I feel safer now than ever before. The day of the tragedy in the World Trade Center was the first time I was frightened in almost eight years. But at least I wasn’t afraid of my own kind. The terror was brought from the outside.

Hatred was what led those lunatics into killing themselves for a motive we don't even know yet, perhaps the whole thing was based entirely in religious beliefs. That is fanaticism. Those people are no different than Tim McVeigh, an American citizen, who killed so many innocent people in Oklahoma. There's no way the World will ever be able to prevent a lunatic from doing lunatic things, because the ideas a lunatic will come up with are, to a certain degree, genius-like. Regrettably they are so passionate about it that they are willing to kill themselves to get their ideas into practice.

When it's about survival, the feeling of patriotism escalates. I’m a Brazilian guy who would love to become an American citizen. I am wearing the colors of America today, and I’m proud of it. If Brazil, as a government, wants me to be proud of them, they can also. But first they have to, yet not literally, “blow” the political corruption from the towers of Brazil.

Thursday, September 13, 2001

September 14, Friday, is Flag Colors Day

Below are exerpts from an e-mail I just received. Please spread it around.

"Tomorrow is U.S. Color day. Red, White & Blue should be worn in honor of our fellow Americans that died. Jeans worn will be blue. The goal is to get the whole nation to participate. In memory of all those who perished; the passengers and the pilots on the United Air and AA flights, the workers in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and all the innocent bystanders. [....] GOD BLESS AMERICA and the freedom it represents. Tomorrow is US pride day, everyone wear US colors (jeans are blue, everyone owns a white t-shirt, etc). Try to be wearing as much red white and blue as you can. Lets get the whole country into it. Our Canadian friends are invited to show support.

14 de Septembro, Sexta-Feira, Sera "Dia das Cores Nacionais" nos EUA

Abaixo segue a traducao do e-mail que terminei de receber.

"Amanha sera o Dia das Cores Nacionais. Vista as cores Vermelho, Branco & Azul em honra das pessoas que morreram. [....] O alvo e comover toda a nacao a participar. Em memoria de todos que pereceram; os passageiros e os pilotos dos voos da United Air e da America Airlines, os trabalhadores do World Trade Center e do Pentagono, e todos os inocentes que estavam no loca. [....] Que Deus abencoe a America e a liberdade que ela representa. Amanha sera Dia de Orgulho dos EUA, todos devem vestir as cores dos EUA [....]. Tente usar o maximo de cores nacionais que puder. Vamos mover todo o pais nessa campanha. Nossos amigos Canadenses estao convidados a nos apoiar.

Don't be a spectator

I worked all day yesterday, from 8 am to 2 am. When I got home, at 2:30 am, the first thing I did was to turn on the TV. Then, at a flash of a second, I realized that I can't be a spectator any longer. It's time to be a participator. People need help, money, food, clothes. We can all do our part, instead of staying in front of the TV and screaming "Oh my God" everytime they show those horror scenes we all have seen a trillion times.

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Obrigado, Faerie

Valeu mesmo pela notinha de preocupacao comigo no seu blog. Apesar de estar tao perto do World Trade Center, creio que estou tao abalado quanto qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar desse mundao de Deus, que tenha um minimo de sensibilidade quanto aos problemas sociais que a sociedade moderna enfrenta.

How do you feel about all this?

Please give your opinion about the US attack by giving your input in the poll window located at the menu bar at left (you may need to scroll down to see it).

O que você está sentindo nesse momento? Por favor dê sua opinião sobre o ataque contre os EUA usando a janela de pesquisa que se localiza no menu à esquerda.

An apology

I would like to leave a note to all my English readers: "Sorry, I'm too emotional to organize my thoughts in English. That's why you see some of the postings without any translation."

Eu tava pensando nessa fotos, meu caro!

Samuca, ontem a noite eu bem que procurei essas fotos do World Trade Center que a gente tirou em 96. Estao todas na mesma caixa de sapato aqui na minha bagunca. Mas eu nao tive cabeca para procurar com mais calma. Agora vou a fundo, tentar encontra-las. Se encontrar, vou postar uma ou outra.

Deu no radio

Sao poucas as emissoras de radio que tocam musicas. Quase todas so falam do atentado. A WHUD 100.7 FM (preferidinha aqui no escritoria por so tocar light music), esta tocando todas as musicas patriotas ja gravadas, uma atras da outra. Agora estao tocando a versao do Hino Oficial dos EUA (Star Spangled Banner), cantado por Whitney Houston. Anteriormente, tocaram "America, America", "We are the world" and ate mesmo "I will Survive", de Gloria Gaynor.

Gente sem Coracao

Nao ha duvida que os terroristas nao tem coracao, nem alma. Mas pessoas que se aproveitam da situacao para fazer piadas sobre o ocorrido tambem nao tem coracao, nem alma. Portando, se encaixam na mesma categoria dos terroristas. Ambos sao covardes.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

World Trade Center

World Trade Center News (updated regularly):

10:00 a.m.:I lost my internet connection last night right after my last posting. I finally got a connection at work through a different provider, and the first thing I read is that the Nostradamus prophecy could be a hoax. It is a shame that people don't know when it's time to stop joking around. I came to my Blogger to remove the comments below about the prophecy, but I have decided to keep it here for my own memory. This will serve as a personal lesson to me, and I learned not to trust the internet when it's time for serious issues. That's a shame, and I resent the person who started the hoax. He or she deserves to be banned from to net. By the way, I'm glad that i used the terms "BS" on my interpretation of such phony predictments.

8:43 p.m.:I have two words on Bush's speech on national television, at this time: "That's it?" O discurso do president Bush em cadeia nacional foi fraco, fraquíssimo. Falou pouco e nem falou muito.

8:21 p.m.: I've seen the second airplane hit the World Trade Center from just about every angle there is. Globonews even showed a clip/montage with different angles of the same horror scene. I don't need to see it anymore, and I'll bet many think that. Enough is enough, it's time to concentrate on the survivors and on the World Peace. -- Chega de mostrar a imagem do avião atingindo a segunda torre. O Jornal Nacional até mostrou um clipe com vários ângulos da mesma cena de horror. Tá na hora de começar a falar de Paz Mundial e de ajuda aos sobreviventes.

7:15 p.m.: This Nostradamus' prophecy was written in 1654, and it is now spread all over the internet, in so many places it's pointless to link them:

"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb. The third big war will begin when the big city is burning". (-- Nostradamus, 1654).

I usually don't interpret prophecy, but I feel the need to BS on this one: 1) The God of the Yuppies is Money, therefore Manhattan is the City of Money/God. 2) After the great thunder (the airplanes), the two brothers (the twin towers) were torn apart. The fortress (the USA) endures, but the great leader (Bush?) will succumb. Let's all pray that Nostradamus is wrong on the last line, and that WW3 will not happen.

6:15 p.m.: O Prefeito de New York, mayor Giuliani, terminou de pedir à população de Nova Iorque que fique em casa amanhã, "como se fosse uma tempestade de neve", disse Giuliani. Ele também implorou à população americana que não desconte suas frustrações nos imigrantes que vivem em Nova Iorque.

Kendra didn't make it

My friend Ivy was worried about her friend Kendra all day. I met Kendra once, at Ivy's birthday surprise party. She made quite an impression on me, because she was funny, loud, and witty. We had a great time at Ivy's party, thanks in part to Kendra. Kendra's got a job at the World Trade Center, and started working there yesterday. Today it was supposed to be Kendra's second day at work. Before Kendra left yesterday, her boss told her that she didn't have to arrive at 9 am today. But Kendra wanted to impress, so she insisted in be at work at 9. But her boss told her to be there at 9:30. As she left the subway this morning, Kendra saw the second plane hit the building and a multitute of people running, desperately to save their lives. Kendra didn't make it to work. Thank God.

Espero que seja contagiante

A foto do World Trade Center no meu blog foi tirada por mim do Empire State Building em 11 Setembro de 2000. Eu levei minha Vó Luzia para ver a vista de Manhattan. A foto foi tirada exatamente há um ano atrás. Nós nunca vamos nos esquecer daquela vista deslumbrante. Meu coração está partido, não porque as Torres Gêmeas se foram, mas porque o mundo precisa de amor, e parece que ninguém sabe onde está o começo do amor. Mas o amor pode começar comigo, portanto eu vou amar ainda mais. E eu espero que seja contagiante.

World Trade Center

Abaixo, um clip do ClicRBS, agência de notícias brasileiras, com menções da minha mensagem.

Internautas utilizam Internet para comentar atentados

A comunidade de brasileiros nos Estados Unidos está utilizando a Internet para tranqüilizar familiares no Brasil. Mesmo com dificuldades para o acesso, as famílias trocam e-mails. Pelo clicRBS, os brasileiros podem enviar mensagens contando onde estavam quando os atentados ocorreram. Outros internautas optam por utilizar diários online para informar e comentar os atos terroristas. A paulista Deborah Andrade, que vive com a família em Nova York, colocou imagens da cidade e comentou a situação tensa. No relato, ela conta que chora ao ver as imagens. A jovem ainda escreveu "adeus World Trade Center, oi 3° guerra mundial". Jean-Charles de Oliveira, um carioca que vive na cidade, colocou uma foto do prédio e escreveu a oração do Pai Nosso em português e em inglês. Usuários de serviços de troca de mensagem instantâneas nos Estados Unidos deixaram de lado os bate-papos tradicionais e entraram em ação para auxiliar outras pessoas, indicando onde doar sangue e ajudar vítimas dos ataques. O Blogger, principal servidor para a criação dos "ciberdiários", abriu uma página especial com a lista das páginas com mensagens sobre o ataque. Muitas estão em inglês e outras línguas.

Love one another

Amai-vos uns aos outros

Today is a day for prayers. Hoje, mais do nunca, todos precisamos de uma oração.

17 languages:

German • Basco • Ecumênica • Spanish • Filipino • French • Hebrew • Indiano • English • Irish • Italian • Japonês • Kiswahili • Latim • Neenderlandês • Português • Tupi-Guarani

The photo above of the World Trade Center was taken from the Empire State Building on September 11, 2000. I took my grandmother Luzia to see the Manhattan landscaping. The photo was taken exactly one year ago. We will never see that view again. My heart is broken, not because the Twin Towers are gone, but because the World needs love and nobody knows where love starts. It can start with me, so I will love even more. I hope it can be contagious.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Pai nosso que estais nos céus, santificado seja o vosso nome; venha a nós o vosso reino, seja feita a vossa vontade, assim na terra como no céu; o pão nosso de cada dia nos daí hoje; perdoai-nos as nossas ofensas, assim como nós perdoamos a quem nos tem ofendido e não nos deixeis cair em tentação, mas livrai-nos do mal.

Monday, September 10, 2001

Resposta publica para o meu amigo Samuel

O Samuel marcou sua passagem no meu guestbook com duas sentencas que vao dar muito pano pra manga. Eu e Samuel somos amigos de muita poeira por debaixo da porteira, e portanto, ele pode me mandar recadinhos atrevidos e eu nem to ai. Mas esse recadinho eu vou ter que responder, e faco aqui em publico: 1) Nao, Samuel, nao me lembrava dos bombons de Cupuacu que NOSSO chefe trazia de Belem. Po, isso foi em 92 ou 93, sei la. Eu moro nos EUA desde 94, meu caro. Nunca mais comi ninguem de Belem, quer dizer, nada de Belem. 2) Minha pergunta "Cupuacu tem gosto de que?" foi retorica. Desculpe-me pelo gafe gramatical, a rethorical question works better in English. 3) Se cupuacu tem acento ou nao tem acento, isso eu nao sei. Estava copiando um trecho da Kelly, e foi na integra. Podia ate ser com dois esses que eu nao saberia. Eu nao comprei o Houaissssss, nem vou comprar. 4) E esse posting ta todo sem acento porque tou num PC aqui no trabaio e nao tenho a minima ideia como acentuar no PC. Eu uso Mac, meu caro amigo.

Long live freedom of speech!

Thanks all of you that have signed my guestbook. It's really a honor when a visitor feels compelled to sign it. Even for those who aren't impressed with my blog, that's okay to sign it. Mark from CT thinks this blog sucks, and that's okay that he thinks that. He probably will never see this posting, because if he believes my blog sucks and he keeps coming back here, than I guess it doesn't suck as much as he thinks. Am I right or wrong??

Cupuaçú tem gosto de que??

Valeu, Kelly Mansur, pela notinha gostosinha do meu livro de visitas. Quero mais bitocas de Cupuaçú!!!

Valeu, Sergio, pelos elogios

Adoro receber e-mails assim, como este do Sérgio Martins . Segunda-feira de manha, de volta no batente, so mesmo um email assim pra manter a gente animado pelo resto do dia. Eu morava naquele Rio de Janeiro lindo, Sergio. Moro em Tarrytown, Nova Iorque, e sou mineiro uai (mas nao sou de Governador Valadares nao!)

"Gostei muito do seu blog, e a primeira vez que eu entro, moro em São Paulo, na Freguesia do Ó, aonde você morava aqui no Brasil ? Sempre que possível vou dar uma olhadela no seu blog. Tchau."

Sunday, September 09, 2001

Domingo em Tuckahoe


Hoje não teve blog posting, porque passei o dia em Tuckahoe. Foi ótimo. Afinal de contas, bloguei por seis dias, e no sétimo descansei.


Sunday is my official day off from my desk. I don't turn my computer on. But it is almost midnight so I can cheat a little, can't I?

Errou-áis e o Catarro Verde

O blog Catarro Verde merece kudos pela descoberta de 3 erros esdrúxulos em apenas um verbete no novo Dicionário Houaiss. Vale a pena ir lá conferir.